Residence Schruns

Schruns, Austria

The obermoser + partner architekten zt gmbh was founded in 2020 by Johann Obermoser, Thomas Gasser, Alexander Gastager und Christoph Neuner in Innsbruck.
Based on several decades of successful work as obermoser arch-omo zt-gmbh I architektur a new range of projects are being developed. Furthermore, services ranging from project development to structural implementation are covered within a wide variety of building tasks.

Our working philosophy
- Exploring boundaries for the best possible structural implementation of concept and function.
- Planning in urban and natural contexts, taking into account the human scale while and a sustainable use of resources.
- Create a regional anchored, authentic architecture with an international perspective.

Services and goals
- Project studies and project development
- General planning
- Overall architectural performance
- Construction supervision
- Structural implementation
- Direct commissions and competitions

Working method, office structure
- Project managers with teams for project implementation
- Competition teams
- Architects, HTL (higher technical engineers), architectural trainees
- 17 employees (September 2023)

Contact this office

  • Architects
Innsbruck, Austria