Compact Modular Installations for Separate Waste Collection
可视化 © Zhixuan Wang, Shaoji Wu

Compact Modular Installations for Separate Waste Collection

This designing is based on the current status of garbage collection on Kulangyu Island. The theme is to accurately shape the garbage collection device and the surrounding public space, so as to increase the basic functional requirements of garbage collection, and to increase the recreational and interactive facilities based on the human behavior.

Kulangsu, a small island off the shore of Xiamen, Fujian province, China, was added to the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list as an early witness to globalization. The island has deep traditional Chinese culture roots and inclusiveness to embrace different values and cultures. Kulangsu is not only a scenic spot, but also a community. As a popular tourism destination, Kulangsu has had problems with crowding. The current status of waste collection points on Kulangsu island is that: The tedious and poor sanitation of garbage collection facilities on the island and the inability to promote interaction among citizens.

This design work intends to change the inherent image of "garbage" in people's heart, and to deal with the garbage collection device and the surrounding public space in accordance with human scales and meet the basic needs of people, so that the so-called "garbage bin" can be transformed into beautiful street landscape. Installation A: Modular Movable Pavilions for Separate Waste Collection. Installation A is composed of 4 movable modules. When they are placed separately, Module 1 is put for separating collection of non-recyclable waste & old goods exchange shop; Module 2 is put for separating collection of recyclable waste & children's playroom; Module 3 is put for liquid waste collection & one person's library; Module 4 is put for sanitation workers resting & storing cleaning tools. At the same time, four modules are used together to form a room where visitors can rest and communicate, or a place for speech. Installation B: A Collection Installation of Waste Plastic Bottles On The Side of A Commercial Pedestrian Street. The location of Installation B is outside a building with no windows, where tourists come and go frequently. More than half of the garbage produced by tourists is plastic bottles, so a huge amount of this kind of waste is generated every day here. Installation B is mainly used to collect a large number of waste plastic bottles produced by tourists. The two main walls are composed of cylinders and light steel keels that fix them. Visitors can insert the bottles into the tube and at the same time can communicate with people who are on the other side of the wall. Installation C: Kitchen Waste Collection Installation in The Gap Between Two Buildings. The installation is located in the narrow gap between two residential buildings. The gap between the two buildings is currently blocked by a wall. The design attempts to solve the problem of a large amount of kitchen waste generated by the restaurants at this location, and at the same time open up the blockage and promote the communication between residents and tourists. This installation provide residents with an old goods exchange market.

Urban Design
图片 © Zhixuan Wang, Shaoji Wu
Installation A (1)
图纸 © Zhixuan Wang, Shaoji Wu
Installation A (2)
图纸 © Zhixuan Wang, Shaoji Wu
Installation B (1)
图纸 © Zhixuan Wang, Shaoji Wu
Installation B (2) & Installation C (1)
图纸 © Zhixuan Wang, Shaoji Wu
Installation C (2)
图纸 © Zhixuan Wang, Shaoji Wu