Hudong Regional Medical Center

Hudong, 中国
Lemanarc SA
Hudong, 中国

The Hudong Regional Medical Center, designed from 2019 to 2021, is located in Pudong, Shanghai, on the northeast side of Xigou Gang. With a total floor area of 169,800 square meters, this project includes medical, research and further teaching (medical school) functions. It is a model of close connection between scientific research, teaching and clinical care.

The two L-shaped volumes to the north and south, together with the outpatient and medical-technical sections in the central area, form the building. The north building will be used mainly for research and teaching, while the south building will be used for inpatient and emergency care. The oncology and cardiovascular departments will be the two pillars of the future. Each of the large disciplinary centres from south to north covers the corresponding clinical, outpatient, medical-technical and research areas, thus forming a symbiosis of clinical and research disciplines.

The open public service space below the building links the urban space with the riverfront landscape; the sunken plaza along the riverfront brings the riverfront landscape underground.

The simple, monolithic, squared-off prefabricated facade, together with the large curved spatial boundaries, creates a strong tension between its rationality and sensibility. The turning image of the building as a whole runs from south to north in one piece. The hospital brings a sense of simplicity and tranquillity to a noisy downtown area.

Its modular design approach allows for easy interchangeability of internal departments and allows for standardised construction patterns to shorten construction times and save costs. The light-filled inner courtyard provides excellent daylight and air for the interior, from surgery to outpatients and medical technology. The roof garden of the podium enhances the overall greenery of the building.


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