Pascal Berger
msc eth arch, sia
born in basel, switzerland, he studied architecture at the eth in zurich, where he earned his master’s degree. pascal has worked for diener & diener in basel, franz oswald in berne and mada s.p.a.m. in shanghai. he is a founding partner of playze and is currently living in zurich. since 2009, pascal has been teaching at the university of hong kong. from 2011 till 2014 he acted as academic director of the hku shanghai study center.

He Mengjia
msc arch uni stuttgart, class 1 reg. arch. (prc)
born in shanghai, he studied architecture at tongji university in shanghai and the tu in stuttgart, where he earned his master’s degree. mengjia has worked for pesch & partner architects in stuttgart, stadtbau atelier in stuttgart and mada s.p.a.m. in shanghai. he is a founding partner of playze and is currently living in shanghai.

Marc Schmit
msc eth arch, sia, akb
born in luxembourg, he studied architecture at the eth in zurich, where he earned his master’s degree. marc has worked for undend in zurich, chora in london and graft in berlin. he is a founding partner of playze and is currently living in berlin. since 2007, marc has been teaching at the epfl in lausanne, switzerland. he directed the master’s thesis program at alice.