Winners of DAM Architectural Book Award 2022 Announced

John Hill | 20. 十月 2022
Momentum of Light / Lars Müller Publishers (Photo: Uwe Dettmar)

There are few awards specifically celebrating architecture books, so the annual announcement of the DAM Architectural Book Award winners during the Frankfurt Book Fair is welcome. The winning books and publishers typically lean toward Swiss and German creations, and this year is no different (two or three actually appear to be solely in German, with no English translations). Regardless, the winners signal trends in publishing and can be seen to help elevate excellence in the design and production of books by publishers around the world.

Barozzi Veiga / Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König (Photo: Uwe Dettmar)
The ten winners of the DAM Architectural Book Award 2022:

  • Living and Working / The MIT Press
  • Momentum of Light / Lars Müller Publishers
  • Swissness applied – Learning from new Glarus / Park Books
  • Urban Design in the 20th century – A history / GTA Verlag
  • Das Garagenmanifest / Park Books
  • The Polyhedrists – Art and Geometry in the long sixteenth century / The MIT Press
  • Auf Linie. NS-Kunstpolitik in Wien. Die Reichskammer der Bildenden Künste / Birkhäuser Verlag
  • Barozzi Veiga / Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König
  • Die Stadt für alle. Handbuch für angehende Stadtplanerinnen und Stadtplaner / Karl Rauch Verlag GmbH & Co KG
  • Renovation Antwerp city hall – From bel etage to illuminated floor / Public Space

Swissness applied – Learning from new Glarus / Park Books (Photo: Uwe Dettmar)

According to DAM, the ten winners (above) and ten shortlisted books (below) were selected by "a specialist jury of external experts and representatives of the DAM" that met last month at the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM). They chose the winners from 264 entries submitted by "101 architecture and art book publishers worldwide." The main criteria for the jury were "design, content concept, quality of materials and workmanship, degree of innovation and topicality." The winners were announced on October 19 and are on display at the Frankfurt Book Fair until October 23.

Urban Design in the 20th century – A history / GTA Verlag (Photo: Uwe Dettmar)
Shortlist of the DAM Architectural Book Award 2022:

  • Duplex Architekten – Wohnungsbau neu gedacht / Park Books
  • Celebrating public architecture – Buildings from the Open Call in Flanders 2000 – 21 / Jovis Verlag
  • Bluebox Bochum 19 20 21 – Fachbereich Architektur / Hochschule Bochum
  • Einfach bauen – Ein Leitfaden / Birkhäuser Verlag
  • The wood that makes our city / Park Books
  • Back to the office – 50 revolutionary office buildings and how they sustained / NAI010 PUBLISHERS
  • Alberto Kalach – Taller de Arquitectura TAX / Arquine
  • Reconstructing the Garrick. Adler & Sullivan‘s lost Masterpiece / Alphawood Foundation
  • Tafelwerk. Großwohnsiedlung. Ein Phänomen der Nachkriegszeit / Gebr. Mann Verlag Berlin
  • Servermanifest. Architektur der Aufklärung – Data Center als Politikmaschinen / Hatje Cantz Verlag
