Freitag Factory Noerd

Zurich, Suíça
Photo © Roger Frei

The Freitag factory in Zurich-Oerlikon is housed in the Noerd commercial building designed by Rothen Architektur in 2010. In addition to built-in production facilities and offices for design, logistics and administration, five open floors encompassing 10,000 square metres accommodate over 120 employees. A company canteen and a factory shop have also been added. The heart of production is the newly developed, ecological rainwater-operated industrial washroom in the basement.

The cutting stations and the control and logistics centres are located in the high main hall. A mezzanine level containing offices has been superimposed in this large space. The development and administration offices are located on the upper floors with the roof canteen and a factory shop. Simple timber-frame fixtures divide the large unfinished space and give it a sense of spatial tension.
Depending on the rooms’ function, the wooden frames are covered on one side with glass (individual offices), cement-bonded chipboard (meeting rooms) or diagonal metal mesh (storage areas). The entrances on each level are colourfully and functionally arranged with recreation areas (biopoints) and printer zones.

Photo © Roger Frei
Photo © Freitag lab. AG, Roland Tannler
Photo © Roger Frei
spillmann echsle architekten

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