Light + Building 2024 – Talks and Tours – Impressions
Light + Building Guided Tours with eight international lighting
designers and experts –
World-Architects organized Talks+Tours with Sophia Klees and Lance
Hollman, Prof. Andreas Schulz, and Guided Tours with Prof. Clemens
Tropp, Michael Burghaus, Jan Nielsen, Reinhard Germer, Sabine De
Schutter, and Ulrike Brandi. The tours were conducted in English or
German and last approximately 90 minutes. Each of them showed us their
individual highlights at Light + Building in Frankfurt March 2024.
Nefeli Mavroeidi: »Aspekte wie Ressourcenschonung, Emissionsminderung,
Kreislauffähigkeit und Klimaresilienz spielen heute eine viel größere
Rolle als noch vor fünf oder zehn Jahren.«
»Aspects such as resource conservation, emission reduction,
circularity, and climate resilience play a much greater role today
than they did five or ten years ago.«
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Moderator and Co-Guide
Renato Turri
PSA Publishers Ltd., Zürich | World-Architects
Renato Turri
PSA Publishers Ltd., Zürich | World-Architects
Follow-Up Report

Light + Building 2024: Looking Back to the Future
Light + Building 2024 had to congratulate on a world record title and many touchpoints: electrification, digitalization, recyclable materials, intelligent systems, and networked mobility.
Looking Back to the Future- World-Architects Staff at Light + Building
- Leticia Gonzalez
- Ursula Pfingstgraf
- Renato Turri
- Peter Petz
- Contact
Ursula Pfingstgraf
- Messe Frankfurt GmbH
- Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
- DE-60327 Frankfurt am Main