Marina One Opens in Singapore

John Hill, Katinka Corts | 18. januari 2018
Photo: HG Esch

Too often, high-density buildings provide little room for green space between them. Taking a different approach, ingenhoven architects designed Marina One with a green space at the center of its ensemble, creating a microclimate in what is in effect a micro-city. The project consists of two 200-meter-tall office buildings and two 139-meter-tall residential buildings. The architects accommodated 18,382 m2 of commercial, 226,165 m2 of office, and 14,235 m2 of residential space in the four buildings. The "green heart" of Marina One is a park-like public space that stretches over several floors and is considered the largest public plaza in Singapore's CBD.

Marina One, exhibited last year at Aedes Architecture Forum in Berlin, "makes an innovative contribution to the discourse on mega-cities, especially in tropical regions, which, in the context of increasing population and climate change, face enormous challenges."

More than 350 species were planted. (Photo: HG Esch)
The high-rises are connected through the common green space (Drawing: ingenhoven architects)
Site plan (Drawing: ingenhoven architects)

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