Luxemburg, ルクセンブルグ
Construction of a new bicycle bridge under the historical Bridge “Pont Adolphe“ with underground spaces for the entries
Client: Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures (MDDI), Administration des ponts et chaussées (P&CH)
Location: L - Luxembourg
Conception and realisation: 2014 - 2017
Work phases commissioned: 1 - 4 according to OAI, artistic direction
Length of the bridge: 154 m
Surface area: 1.700 m²
Construction costs: 6,2 mio € net
Winner of the “Luxembourg Architecture Award 2019” in the category “Ouvrages d’art et structures”
The Passerelle Pont Adolphe was awarded gold by the jury of the German Design Award 2020!
The Jury’s comment: “A highly elegant solution with a small impact and great function”.
The German Design Award identifies and presents unique design trends: a competition that advances the design-oriented scene.
Winner “EUROPEAN STEEL BRIDGE AWARD”, Special prize for minimalistic intervention
Winner “best architects 20 award”; Gold Winner, category infrastructure building