Michelle Fagan
Michelle Fagan
Dip Arch (Hons) B Arch Sc (Hons) MRIAI RIBA ARB
Graduated from Bolton Street DIT in 1990. Worked in Ireland and Germany 1991-98. Current Council Member of the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland (RIAI ) Member of the Architectural Association of Ireland Committee 1996-98. Assessor Europan 2007. Assessor Concrete Awards 2006. Assessor ‘Plasticity’, international student design competition 2006 Assessor of the AAI Awards 1996. Assessor RIAI Traveling Scholarship 2000. Guest Critic UCD 1997-98, 2000, 2006. Fifth Year Group Tutor UCD 1999. Guest Critic DIT1996-97, Fifth Year Tutor DIT 1997-98. First Year Tutor DIT 1998-99

Paul Kelly
Paul Kelly
Dip Arch Tech Dip Arch (Hons) B Arch Sc (Hons) MRIAI RIBA ARB
Graduated from Bolton Street DIT in 1989. Worked in England and Ireland 1990-98. Council Member of the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland (RIAI) 1998, 2004, 2005, member RIAI CPD advisory group, member of ‘Architecture Ireland’ editorial board. Assistant Commissioner to the Venice Biennale 2004. Assessor RIAI Technician Silver Medal 1998-2000. Assessor ARCE European Architecture Award Berlin 1999. Member of the RIAI council 1997, President of the Architectural Association of Ireland in 1996. First Year Tutor DIT 1993-94, Fifth Year Tutor DIT 1994-2000. Guest Critic UCD 1994, 2000. Fifth Year Tutor UCD 2002-03. Third Year Tutor DIT 2005- Represented Ireland at the second Young European Architects Forum in Rotterdam 2005. Fourth Year Tutor 2006. Fifth Year Visiting Critic.

Gary Lysaght
Gary Lysaght
Dip Arch (Dist) B Arch Sc MRIAI ARB
Graduated from Bolton Street DIT in 1990. Worked in Ireland and Germany 1991-98. Member of the Architectural Association of Ireland Committee in 1993 and 1996 to 98. Guest Critic DIT 1996-97. Fifth Year Tutor DIT1997-98. Fourth Year Tutor DIT 1998-2000. Fifth Year Tutor UCD 2002-03. Represented Ireland at the first Young European Architects Forum in Antwerp 2003. Assessor ‘Robustness’, international student design competition 2005