Renovations at Sant Joan de Déu Hospital

Barcelona, Spain
Foto © Dani Rovira

“Casa de Sofía” Chronicity and palliative care complex: Casa de Sofia is a pioneering healthcare space in Catalonia that provides comprehensive care to children with complex chronic illnesses and advanced illnesses who need care that they cannot receive at home, but do not require the high specialization of a hospital. The centre offers these children a safe and friendly environment where expert caregivers provide them with such care and empower families and empower them when the time comes to thunder at home. The House of Sofia owes its name to Sofia Cruz López, a girl who was born with a serious de-generative minority disease, Sanfilippo Syndrome. Despite the serious limitations of her ill-ness, Sofia lived happily, surrounded by her family, at home, running and playing with her pets, and admiring the stars in the sky. This spirit permeates every corner of the house that bears his name, so that all the children and families in it feel at home, but at the same time cared for, helped by health professionals. This is also the wish of his parents Jordi and Mercè and his brother Jordi, of his association and of all the people and entities that have worked tirelessly for years to make the project a reality.

·Maternity Area: The new maternity area, located on the 6th floor of the hospital, was born from the desire to improve spaces and the experience of families. The central corridor is the backbone of the area, which has 16 individual rooms with bathro-oms. The rooms have been designed with natural materials and colors to favor the calm of the space, complemented by a wall with cheerful colors, and comfortable furniture ele-ments. The windows have been extended to the pavement, increasing the exterior views and the entry of natural light from all points of the room. The corridor follows the same design line, combining white and green colour, wood, and integrating the signage of the entire unit. The staff spaces are located in the central area and have been designed for their needs and comfort.

Foto © Dani Rovira
Foto © Dani Rovira
Foto © Dani Rovira
Foto © Dani Rovira
Foto © Dani Rovira
Foto © Dani Rovira
Foto © Dani Rovira
Foto © Dani Rovira
Foto © Dani Rovira
Foto © Dani Rovira
Foto © Dani Rovira
Foto © Dani Rovira
Foto © Dani Rovira
AHEAD Barcelona Healthcare Architecture
Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

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