Taoyuan Museum of Art

Taoyuan-city, Taiwan
© 2018 Taoyuan City Government, Taiwan Photography by Ching Kuang Liao (C.K.L.)

Taoyuan Museum of Art is divided into two buildings: the art museum building and the childrens museum building, both designed in consideration of the relationship with the surrounding environment.To the south is a residential complex built by a private developer as a mini-development, and to the north are a forest and a lake rich in nature. The surrounding ground is raised to form a hill-like slope with ramps and pergolas to host park-like activities.With a 30-degree incline, the hill has several holes that form terraces from where people can enter as if crawling under the roof. Tucked between the roof and the interior exhibition rooms are rich spaces by terraced various activities such as cafe and library. The museum can be enjoyed while always feeling the relationship with the outside.

© 2018 Taoyuan City Government, Taiwan Photography by Ching Kuang Liao (C.K.L.)
© 2018 Taoyuan City Government, Taiwan Photography by Ching Kuang Liao (C.K.L.)
© 2018 Taoyuan City Government, Taiwan
© 2018 Taoyuan City Government, Taiwan
Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop
Taoyuan-city, Taiwan

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