Gymnasium Dresden-Klotzsche
Dresden, Germany, 2022
Das Gymnasium Dresden Klotzsche liegt im nördlichen Stadtbereich Dresdens, eingebettet in eine Stadtlandschaft, die durch die Naturräume ...
FOS BOS Neubau der beruflichen Oberschule
Regensburg, Germany, 2016
Die Fach- und Berufsoberschule wurden gemeinsam an einem neuen Standort als Berufliche Oberschule in einem Neubau zusammengefasst. Diese ...
Bad Muskau, Germany, 2016
Mit der Einstellung der stationären Grenzkontrollen zur Republik Polen wurden durch das Bundesamt für Immobilien die oberirdischen Grenza...
St. Trinitatis Church
Leipzig, Germany, 2015
The planning area is located in a densed urban environment in Leipzig. In order to the specific nature of the building with its connectin...
Greenbelt Duisburg-Nord Bruckhausen
Duisburg, Germany, 2015
The park is located at the interface between hard industrial plants of Thyssen Krupp Steel and the historical working-class quarter of Br...
Marktkirche square
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, 2012
The Marktkirchplatz has a distinctive topography, which has been adapted in different phases to the respective needs of the time. These c...
Secondary school
Memmingen, Germany, 2010
The grounds for the Staatliche Realschule are divided into three areas: the schoolyard itself, the linearly aligned and compact sports ar...
City Museum
Dresden, Germany, 2007
The design evolves from the context of historical and modern references, which brings back identity. The Museum Garden conveys the atmosp...
Private garden D.
Dresden, Germany, 2005
The 2,800 square meter site is located 11 km east of Dresden city center directly to the hill sights. The terrain slopes down about 30 me...