Sulaiman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi Charitable Foundation, Riyadh

Al Bukairiyah, Al Qassim, Saudi Arabia

1st realisation phase 2007 to 2011

1st building phase: Medical University (6,000 students) with teaching hospital (1000 beds) incl. infrastructure, central facilities and housing area, non-medical university (10,000 students)

16,000 students totally

750,000 m²

Involved divisions:

Architecture and Mechanical Services:
Master plan and operational and architectural development planning incl. infrastructure for the whole university, 1st realisation phase: Architectural and engineering services (planning)

Management Consultancy and Operational Planning:
Participation in the conception of the whole university in cooperation with the University of Maastricht, Strategic consulting, Operational conception, Functional and single room program

Medical and Laboratory Engineering:
Planning of medical and laboratory equipment

Al Rajhi University and University Hospital Al Bukairiyah

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Al Qassim, Saudi Arabia

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