New building E Interlaken Hospital, Unterseen

Interlaken, Switzerland, 2024

The Interlaken Hospital, with parts of the building dating from 1905 to 1974, has been undergoing a comprehensive extension and refurbish...

EBL Elefantehuus

Liestal, Switzerland, 2024

The EBL Elefantenhuus is a listed building in Liestal, Switzerland, which housed two large elephant-like electricity generators at the be...


Laax, Switzerland, 2020

The project "wellnessHostel3000" comprises the renovation of the existing indoor swimming pool "Aua Grava" and the addition of a wellness...

Neubau Firmensitz Selmoni AG

Münchenstein, Switzerland, 2020

Burckhardt+Partner have realized the new headquarters of the Selmoni Group for around 300 employees in Münchenstein near Basel. With a to...

Fachmaturitätsschule Engelgasse

Basel, Switzerland, 2019

Conversion and renovation of Engelgasse technical college, Basel (2015-2019) Client: Building and Transport Department, Canton of Basel-...

Oberdorf School Building

Oensingen, Switzerland, 2019

New construction of school building Oberdorf, Oensingen (2017-2019) Client: Municipality of Oensingen, Oensingen Architects: englerarch...

Home for IT, Kaiseraugst/AG

Switzerland, 2018

Auf dem Roche-Areal in Kaiseraugst entstand der grösste Roche-IT Standort weltweit und wurde mit einem Learning-Center ergänzt. Die vier...

Erlenmatt School Building

Basel, Switzerland, 2018

Elementary school and sports hall Erlenmatt, Basel (2013-2018) Client: Building and Transport Department Basel Architects: Luca Selva A...

Conversion Raiffeisenbank

Gampel, Switzerland, 2018

Conversion Raiffeisenbank, Gampel (2017-2018) Client: Raiffeisenbank, Gampel Architects: SSA Architekten AG BSA SIA, Basel. The Raif...

Reception and auditorium building

Kaiseraugst, Switzerland, 2018

Reception and auditorium building with underground parking (2013-2018) Client: F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG Architects: Nissen Wentzlaff Arc...

Merian Iselin Clinic

Basel, Switzerland, 2017


Christoph Merian Foundation

Basel, Switzerland, 2017

In April 2016, the property at St. Alban-Vorstadt 12 became the property of the Christoph Merian Foundation. With the acquisition of this...

Church of Muri

Muri, Switzerland, 2016

The church, which was built between 1954 and 1955, has the nave on the ground floor. The basement, which is accessible at ground level on...

Balgrist Campus

Zürich, Switzerland, 2016

The "Balgrist Campus" research building impresses with its architectural quality of making the interior visible through the longitudinal ...

Solothurn City Theater

Solothurn, Switzerland, 2015


Roche Building 67

Basel, Switzerland, 2015

NOMINATED "THE GERMAN LIGHTING DESIGN AWARD 2017" Design concept: The design concept uses a few recurring lighting elements to tra...

Adullam Geriatric Hospital Riehen

Riehen, Switzerland, 2014



Basel, Switzerland, 2014


Jazz Campus Basel

Basel, Switzerland, 2013

1018 Jazzschule – Umbau einer Fabrik zu einer Schule für Musik, Basel (2011-2013)


Basel, Switzerland, 2013

Erd- und erstes Obergeschoss
 Die Perspektive der grosszügigen Eingangshalle wird durch lineare Deckeneinbau...


Basel, Switzerland, 2013

Mit Licht erfüllt. Die hellen Räume von Juan Navarro Baldeweg. Das Kunstlichtprojekt unterstützt die mit he...


Aarburg, Switzerland, 2012

Zum Anlass des hundertjährigen Bestehens der Maillartbrücke wünschte sich die Gemeinde Aarburg eine nächtlich erleuch...


Basel, Switzerland, 2012

In der 100 jährigen Basler Heiliggeistkirche standen Sanierungen im Innenraum an. In diesem Zusammenhang wünschte sich die Bauh...

Siza Building

Basel, Switzerland, 2011

0903 Neubau Büro- und Laborgebäude Novartis Campus, WSJ-187 Siza-Building, Basel (2009-2011) Alvaro Siza’s Wunsch nach einer verbinden...