With its new ‘vertical’ – i.e. the ground-to-roof – entrance atrium the size of the U-Tower’s volume (a former part of the Union Brewery) can be fully experienced from inside for the first time. Escalators lead from the ground-floor foyer past all the exhibition levels to the ‘cathedral room’ directly underneath the illuminated ‘U’ sign on top of the tower. Conically contorted, metal-clad cubic shapes penetrate the building from inside out. They appear like counterpoints to the existing red clinker façades and point to the unusual roof shape of the ‘cathedral room’.
Design Competition
Gerber Architekten
in cooperation with Gernot Schulz
1st prize 2006
Further development
Gerber Architekten
Eckhard Gerber
City of Dortmund
19.800 sqm
Gross volume
122.297 cbm