The main concept of the refurbishment of St. Magdalena Church in Ottobrunn near Munich included the return to the character as a hall church.
All of which had been added as ornamentation and betterments were supposed to be dismantled. This theme enabled an integrated lighting design that doesn’t include pendant luminaries but keeps the clear view of the altar.
The lighting of the big church hall refers to the different liturgical needs. Starting at the altar, the luminated spaces might be enlarged just until the gallery with the church choir adapting to the size of the prayer meeting.
The entry zone and the side altar are being illuminated by indirect lighting. Matching the character of prayers and meditations the light can be dimmed to a minimum.
Maria, icon and wall mosaic are being emphasized in their three-dimensional appearance via lighting.
For all lighting scenarios a self-explanatory control panel is available at the sacristy. 20 lighting scenarios can be activated by the touch of a button, for example the daily morning prayer, special lighting atmospheres for festivities like Christmas or Easter or any special masses.
Pfarrverband VIER BRUNNEN
Gassner & Zarecky
Christoph Stepan