40 Works Shortlisted for EU Mies Award 2024
The European Commission and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe have announced the 40 shortlisted works selected by the jury for the 2024 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award.
The 362 works nominated for this, the 19th cycle of the EUmies Award, were announced last October. From that lengthy list, the jury — made up of Frédéric Druot, Martin Braathen, Pippo Ciorra, Tinatin Gurgenidze, Adriana Krnáčová, Sala Makumbundu, and Hrvoje Njiric — selected the shortlist of 40 works. From this list of 40, five finalists will be determined, and announced in early February.
The 40 shortlisted works are located in half as many countries, the highest numbers in Spain (6), Belgium (4), Germany (4), Croatia (3), France (3), and Portugal (3). Notably, half of the finalists are in locales with populations of fewer than 100,000 people, with seven of the works in villages with less than 500 inhabitants.
Typologically, the finalists appear to be more varied than in previous cycles, with no single typology in the majority above others. This variety is reiterated by some words from juror Frédéric Durot:
“We thought it was important to show the diversity of themes, scales and approaches to architecture through this selection of projects; the attitude and positioning of architects towards the treatment of the complexity of the world and the correspondence of their thoughts and identities with the proposals.”
The 40 shortlisted works are listed below in alphabetical order by country with links to the individual projects on the EU Mies Award website. The winner of the 2024 EU Mies Award will be announced during the EUmies Awards Day being held at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona on May 13 and 14.
- IKEA Vienna western station / IKEA – the good neighbour in the city in Vienna by querkraft architekten ZT gmbh
- Townhouse Neubaugasse in Vienna by PSLA Architekten
- Amal Amjahid - community facility along the canal in Molenbeek in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean by &bogdan
- Open air swimming pool FLOW in Anderlecht by Decoratelier Jozef Wouters and POOL IS COOL
- Fire Station, Multi-Purpose Space, and Emergency Housing in Dilbeek by Studio SNCDA
- Het Steen in Antwerp by noAarchitecten
- RIDING HALL * Land Registry Department of the Municipal Civil Court in Zagreb by MORE arhitekture d.o.o.
- Black Slavonian eco pig farm in Cret Viljevski by SKROZ d.o.o.
- Lonja Wetlands Wildlife Observatories and Visitor Centre in Osekovo by roth&čerina
- Plato Contemporary Art Gallery in Ostrava by KWK Promes
- Son of a Shingle – Vaksali pedestrian bridge and underpasses in Tartu by PART architects
- Refurbishment and extension of a community swimming pool in Saint-Méen-Le-Grand by RAUM
- Rebirth of the Convent Saint-François in Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano by Amelia Tavella Architectes
- Média Library Charles Nègre in Grasse by Beaudouin Architectes and Ivry Serres Architecture
- Tbilisi Urban Forest (Narikala Ridge Forest) in Tbilisi by Ruderal
- Light Rail Tunnel in Karlsruhe by allmannwappner
- Floating University Berlin in Berlin by Floating e.V. Association
- Building Community Kurfürstenstrasse in Berlin by June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff
- Study Pavilion on the campus of the Technical University of Braunschweig in Braunschweig by Gustav Düsing & Max Hacke
- Liknon in Samos by K-Studio
- Annesley Gardens in Dublin by Metropolitan Workshop LLP
- Bivouac Fanton in Auronzo di Cadore by DEMOGO studio di architettura
- Art Pavilion M. in Almere by Studio Ossidiana
- Munch Museum in Oslo by estudioHerreros
- Targ Blonie_Food Market in Blonie by Pracownia Architektoniczna Aleksandra Wasilkowska
- Escadinhas Footpaths in Matosinhos by Paulo Moreira Architectures + Verkron
- Square and Tourist Office in Piódão by Branco del Rio
- General Silveira Building in Porto by ATA Atelier ENTRETEMPOS
- Nursery. 1306 plants for Timișoara in Timișoara by MAIO, Studio Nomadic, and Studio Peisaj
- Reconstruction and extension of the Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava by Architekti B.K.P.Š.
- Covering the remains of the Church of St. John the Baptist in the Žiče Charterhouse in Stare Slemene by MEDPROSTOR and arhitekturni atelje d.o.o.
- Bohinj Kindergarten in Bohinjska Bistrica by KAL A and ARREA architecture
- LIVING IN LIME - 42 social housing in Son Servera in Son Servera by peris + toral
- Day centre for young people with autism spectrum disorder in Derio by AV62 Arquitectos
- Municipal Pools in Castromonte in Castromonte by Óscar Miguel Ares
- Gabriel García Márquez Library in Barcelona by SUMA arquitectura
- Social housing 1737 in Gavà by Harquitectes
- Hage in Lund by Brendeland & Kristoffersen architects
- Liljevalchs+ in Stockholm by Wingårdh Arkitektkontor AB
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