Vulkan Beehive
Norway's Snøhetta has designed a pair of beehives installed on a rooftop in Oslo's Vulkan area, in an effort to educate visitors and bring more bees to the city.
As the decline in the population of honey bees – or colony collapse disorder (CCD) – continues, posing threats to agricultural production in particular, people and organizations in cities are finding ways to create habitats for the pollinating insects. Naturally beehives are the inspiration for Snøhetta's Vulkan Beehive, with its hexagonal volumes covered in a honeycomb pattern finished in a light colored wood. Located on the roof of Dansens Hus (Dance House), the two beehives are stretched tall to accommodate the beekeepers. In form and finish, the Vulkan Beehives strike a balance between the needs of the bees and the people who can't get enough of their honey from the neighboring Mathallen market.