• Reclaiming the Public Realm in Belo Horizonte
  • Blueprint, Design Curial
    [published project: The Ultimate Skyscraper]

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2014, USA
  • True Stories
  • Praxis issue 14
    [published project: The Ultimate Skyscraper]

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2013, Brazil
  • ENTRE – Entrevistas com Arquitetos por Estudantes de Arquitetura
  • Viana & Mosley

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  • Do Terreno ao Bairro
  • X Bienal de Arquitetura de São Paulo
    [published project: Bixiga Booklet]

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  • Um projeto nada vazio
  • Veja BH magazine
    [published project: VDA Building]

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  • Track Changes
  • Failed Architecture
    [published project: Bixiga Booklet]

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  • Entre (versão inglês)
  • Artifice books on architecture, 2012; 384 pages; 18x13 cm; English

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  • ISBN: 978-1-907317-78-1
  • Autor: Carlos M Teixeira

  • Entre
  • Entre presents Topographical Amnesias I and II (interventions in “concrete stilts” that started the partnership between the studio Vazio S/A and the street theater company Armatrux); Spiral Booths – a space for fiction and performance built at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London –; an interview with Swiss architect Bernard Tschumi; a proposal for an intervention within Grand Central Station’s windows, in New York; and other projects that discuss the relationship between body and space, urban art and architecture, event and urbanism.

    Instituto Cidades Criativas/ICC, 2010; 380p; 18x13 cm; Portuguese

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  • ISBN: 978-85-61659-13-4
  • Autor: Carlos M Teixeira

2010, Portugal
  • Arqa
  • no. 77
    [published project: Topographical amnesias II + interview with Carlos Teixeira]

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2010, Brazil
  • 29th Sao Paulo Art Biennial Catalogue
  • [published project: The Other, the Same]

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2010, England
  • Swarming Futures Exhibition Catalogue
  • [published project: The Ultimate Skyscraper]

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2010, Hong Kong
  • A to Z - Architecture Zone
  • no. 2
    [published project: Tolerance Museum]

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2010, Italy
  • Lotus International
  • no. 143
    [published project: Topographical Amnesias II]

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2010, England
  • V&A Magazine
  • no. 22
    [published project: Spiral Booths]

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2010, England
  • The Architectural Review
  • no. 1366
    [published project: The Other, the Same]

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  • Ultimate Skyscraper
  • At once a fiction and a documentary about a skyscraper that grows indefinitely and eventually eliminates Sao Paulo, The Ultimate Skyscraper (or The Absolute Condo) departs from an analysis of "SP Maharishi Tower" - the Dravidian-style (!!!) would-be tallest building in the world proposed by ex-Beatles guru Yogi Maharishi for Sao Paulo in 1999; to then distort and pervert the facts. The book has drawings by Portuguese illustrator Vasco Mourão, and text, research and original sketches by Carlos M Teixeira. In Portuguese only.

    Illustrations: Vasco Mourão; C/ Arte, 2009; 256 pages (total in two volumes); 18x13 cm

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  • ISBN: 9788576540915
  • Autor: Carlos M Teixeira

  • Collateral Spaces
  • Collateral Spaces was organized by Alexandre Campos, Carlos Teixeira, Renata Marquez and Wellington Cançado. The bilingual edition presents fifteen projects of architects, designers and artists, and argues for an architecture that scapes from the institutional channels that limit contemporary architecture. Collateral Spaces is also available at the website www.colaterais.org.

    Instituto Cidades Criativas/ICC, 2008; 312 pages; 18x13 cm; Portuguese/English; ISBN 978-85-61659-00-4

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2008, Korea
  • Landscape World
  • vol. 20
    [published project: Architectural Grafts]

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2008, Austria
  • Best Private Plots Competition Catalogue
  • [published project: Architectural Grafts]

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2007, Japan
  • The Japan Architect
  • no. 64
    [published project: The Planless House]

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2006, England
  • The Architectural Review
  • no. 1318
    [published project: Topographical Amnesias II]

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2005, France
  • L’Architecture d’Ajourd’Hui
  • no. 359
    [published project: Topographical amnesias II]

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2005, Argentina
  • Cuardernos Latinoamericanos de Arquitectura
  • no. 6
    [published project: Vila del Rey house]

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2003, France
  • L’Architecture d’Ajourd’Hui
  • no. 373
    [published essay: Copan – a Rio / Sao Paulo hybrid]

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  • Under Construction: History of the Void in Belo Horizonte
  • Conceived by architect Carlos M Teixeira, Under Construction: History of the Void in Belo Horizonte is an essay on urban informality, lack of planning, the postcard, photography and, of course, the void. Departing from a text on photography (Photography and the Periphery, Master's Degree dissertation presented at the Architectural Association), the book outlines a possible way of working in the city under construction, extolling destruction, leading to an inverted aesthetic reading of the postcard and paying attention to the latent voids of the city. This bilingual edition is out of print but can be ordered directly from our office by email info@vazio.com.br.

    COSACNAYFY, 1999; 342p

    Buy: Amazon Books | Vitruvius | Editora CosacNaify

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  • Under Construction: History of the Void in Belo Horizonte
  • COSACNAYFY, 1999; 336 pages; 23x30 cm; English/Portuguese

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  • ISBN: 9788586374234
  • Autor: Carlos M Teixeira