Architeller Impressions

The new presentation format at Light + Building 2024 brought architects and exhibitors together in a meaningful, professional, and entertaining way. All information about Architeller and event impressions can be found here.

In Brief

  • All exhibitors at Light + Building 2024 and external manufacturers were invited to apply.
  • A shortlist of 10 manufacturers per language (German and English) was curated from the applications.
  • 2 x 10 short presentations of 3 minutes each in PDF format, 16:9 and a maximum of 5 slides per presentation.
  • Products and services were presented that not only make sense from an architectural point of view, but also focus on social responsibility.
  • The presentations were held during Light + Building 2024 on March 3 and 5 at the Design Plaza in Hall 3.1.
  • The presentations were judged on site by a renowned jury.
  • The presentations will be judged on site by a renowned jury.
  • The participation was free of charge.

Social Responsibility

Architects are increasingly and rightly obliged to use products that make sense from an architectural point of view and to take responsibility for their social relevance. The field of social responsibility in architecture is infinite. It should therefore be divided into three main categories with five sub-categories each.

This categorization were also the basis for the evaluation of the presentations.


Sunday, 3 March 2024, 17:00 – Event in German
Tuesday, 5 March 2024, 17:00 – Event in English

Moderation: Renato Turri, World-Architects


Evaluation was based on the following three main categories with five sub-categories each:

Limited Resources
Recycled materials | renewable resources | resource-efficient production | environmentally friendly manufacturing | maximizing service life

Climate Change
CO2-neutral production | climate-friendly production | low-emission manufacturing | biodegradability | renewable energies

Social Responsibility
Diversity at work | involvement of the local population | fair partnerships | regional procurement | products from fair trade


Three distinguished experts were recruited to serve on the jury:
Carla Wilkins Dipl. Ing., Founding Partner
Lichtvision, Berlin, Hongkong, London, Shanghai
Daniel Walden Dipl. Ing., Managing Director and Owner
ag Licht, Cologne
Michael Burghaus Dipl. Ing., Founder
architekturbüro .pg1, Kaiserslautern


Sunday, 3 March

Midgard Licht with »AYNO«
Tuesday, 5 March

Deltalight with »High Profile Collection from Deltalight and MVRDV«


Sunday, 3 March

IQ Lux | Georg König
ERCO | Thomas Schielke
Wästberg | Dennis Staßen
Bergmeister Leuchten | Simon Hochreiter
Gira | Peter Taschner
Midgard Licht | David Einsiedler
Weinzierl Engineering | Artur Bäcker
Georg Bechter Licht | Georg Bechter
Carl Stahl ARC | Daniel Vögele
beolum | Joachim Becker
Tuesday, 5 March

LumiBuilder | Kuldeep Vali
Seoul Semiconductor | Marc Juarez
A.A.G. STUCCHI | Aristide Stucchi
Lucent Lighting | James Morris-Jones
Delta Light | Danilo Mandelli
Thorn Lighting Ltd | Mark Mattimoe
Busch-Jaeger Elektro | Dennis Klebe
Stoane Lighting | Ruairidh McGlynn
Zumtobel Lighting | Fabienne Meier

Impressions Sunday, 3 March

Impressions Tuesday, 5 March

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