Foto © Jo Pesendorfer

The 3 footbridges are walkways. They continue the urban tissue and link the pier with the city. Besides linking two parts of the city it is the experience of the promenade, the discovering of new perspectives and views, the closeness to the water which guides the design of the bridges. The architectural ambition is to make them part of the urban landscape, integrating them naturally. Lightness and transparency are major issues. The bridges are opposing the dense urban tissue. They contrast the monumentality of the surrounding buildings by their freely adapted geometry. The bridges want to be part of the natural environment, inspired by the presence of water. Like insects they stretch out their members to reach the quay sides offering a multiple choice of crossing – fast and slow, for bicycles and disabled on flat ramps. The ramps are part of the crossing, part of the design.

In the centre the different connexion add to form a plaza over the water forming a privileged viewpoint.

Local oak wood as deck covering, the transparent railing made of a stainless steel cable net and the integrated lighting of the bridge create the specific atmosphere on the bridge. Structure is a main part of the form. It is clearly expressed, details are carefully designed and tell the way forces are led to the banks.

Competition 2006
Start of Planning 09 | 2006
Start of Construction 05 | 2007

Braque 45m arch, 112m ramp
Chagall 39m arch, 112m ramp
Miro 40m arch, 87m ramp

Foto © Jo Pesendorfer
Foto © Jo Pesendorfer
Foto © Jo Pesendorfer
Foto © Jo Pesendorfer
Foto © Jo Pesendorfer
Foto © Jo Pesendorfer

3 Passerelles - Braque, Chagall, Miro

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Over the bassin Dusuzeau between the Quai des Alpes and presqu’île André Malraux: bridge BRAQUE (Ouest) and CHAGALL (Est), 67100 Strasbourg, Frankreich
City of Strasbourg
Werkraum ZT GmbH

Andere Projekte von Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes 

Footbridges over the Seine River
Paris, Frankreich
Passerelle de Franchissement du Bassin de Commerce
Cherbourg, Frankreich
Sécurisation des abords de la tour Eiffel
Paris, Frankreich
Centre sportif Hector Berlioz
Vincennes, Frankreich
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Klagenfurt, Österreich