Full List for '...and other such stories'
The Chicago Architecture Biennial has announced the full list of more than 80 contributors to the 2019 exhibition, titled ...and other such stories under artistic director Yesomi Umolu.
The full list of contributors to the third Chicago Architecture Biennial comes a couple months after a shorter list of 50 contributors was released. The architects, artists, researchers, and social activists come from four continents. In many cases the contributors will, per a statement from the Biennial, "[collaborate] across disciplines to present," once the Biennial opens to the public in mid-September, "projects that ask urgent questions about the implications of architecture as it relates to land, memory, rights, and civic participation."
The contributors were selected by Yesomi Umolu, working with co- curators Sepake Angiama and Paulo Tavares.
- Adrian Blackwell, Canada
- Akinbode Akinbiyi, Germany
- Alejandra Celedon & Nicolas Stutzin, Chile
- Alexandra Pirici, Romania
- Avijit Mukul Kishore & Rohan Shivkumar, India
- Black Quantum Futurism, USA
- Borderless Studio, USA
- CAMP, India
- Carolina Caycedo, USA
- Center for Spatial Research, USA
- Chicago Architectural Preservation Office, USA
- Clemens von Wedemeyer, Germany
- Cohabitation Strategies & Urban Front, USA
- ConstructLab, Germany
- DAAR (Sandi Hilal, Alessandro Petti, Husam Abu Salem), Palestine
- Detroit Planning Department, USA
- Do Ho Suh, UK
- FICA–Fundo Imobiliário Comunitário para Aluguel, Brazil
- Forensic Architecture & Invisible Institute, UK & USA
- Herkes İçin Mimarlık (Architecture For All), Turkey
- Jimmy Robert, Germany
- Joar Nango, Norway
- Jorge González, Puerto Rico
- Keleketla! Library with Stockyard Institute, South Africa & USA
- Maria Gaspar, USA
- MASS Design Group, USA & Rwanda
- MSTC with Escola da Cidade & O Grupo Inteiro, Brazil
- Ola Hassanain, Sudan & Netherlands
- Oscar Tuazon, USA
- Palestine Heirloom Seed Library Project, Palestine
- Raumlabor, Germany
- RIWAQ - Center for Architectural Conservation, Palestine
- RMA Architects, USA
- Sammy Baloji & Filip de Boeck, Belgium & Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Santiago X, USA
- Settler Colonial City Project with American Indian Center, Ecuador & USA
- Somatic Collaborative (Felipe Correa & Devin Dobrowolski), USA
- studioBASAR, Romania
- Sweet Water Foundation, USA
- Tania Bruguera & Association of Arte Útil, USA & Cuba
- Tanya Lukin Linklater & Tiffany Shaw-Collinge, Canada
- Territorial Agency—John Palmesino & Ann-Sofi Rönnskog, UK
- The Funambulist, France
- Theaster Gates, USA
- Vincent Meessen, Belgium
- Walter J. Hood, USA
- Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Germany
- Wolff Architects, South Africa
- Zorka Wollny, Germany
- American Indian Center, USA
- Aviwe Mandyanda (BlackStudio), South Africa
- Carmen Silva, Brazil)
- cheyanne turions, Canada
- Dr. Denise Ferreira da Silva, Canada
- Emmanuel Pratt, USA
- Eduardo O. Kohn, Canada
- Inam Kula, South Africa
- Lesley Lokko, South Africa
- Mario Gooden, USA
- Pelin Tan, Turkey
- Stephen Willats, UK
- Vincent Tao, Canada
- Virginia de Medeiros, Brazil
- Vivien Sansour, Palestine & USA
- Columbia Books on Architecture and the City, USA