

PEEP 2000 comparto Violino

Brescia, 意大利, 2006



MIlano, 意大利, 2010


edificio residenziale

Curno, 意大利


ristrutturazione abitazione privata

Brescia, 意大利, 1999

Stierli Architekten

Aussensanierung Wohnhaus Westallee

Aarau, 瑞士, 2009

Stierli Architekten

Um- und Ausbau Wohnhaus Dübendorfer

Aarau, 瑞士, 2007

Stierli Architekten

Wohnhaus Turnaturi

Entfelden, 瑞士, 2009

Koeb & Pollak Architekten

Haus S

Graz, 奥地利, 2001

Der Umbau eines knapp bemessenen Hauses aus der Zwischenkriegszeit am Rand von Graz schafft einen neuen Zugang, öffnet das Haus in R...

Danica O. Kus Photography

Barn House

Roeselare, 比利时

Architects Rita Huys and BURO II & ARCHI+I - Roeselare, Belgium

apart architektur

Neubau Stadtwohnungen Juravorstadt

Biel, 瑞士, 2014

Die Parzelle befindet sich an einmaliger Lage in Biel, zwischen pittoresker Altstadt und altem Villenquartier der Juravorstadt. Di...

Kiyotoshi Mori + Natsuko Kawamura / MDS

Tamaranzaka House

Tokyo, 日本, 2009

Due to Tokyo’s high land prices, plot sizes become reduced as a matter of necessity. What’s more, buildings often become even...

goetz partner architekten

Umbau Kutscherhaus am Ölberg

Schaffhausen, 瑞士, 2007

Ursprünglich zur Villa Oelberg gehörendes Oekonomiegebäude (Remiese, Stall und Scheune mit Wohnung, als Gärtner- oder...

STAR strategies + architecture

46 Solutions

Maastricht, 荷兰

The urban planner: As urban planners we are of the opinion that a different master plan could probably have solve...

STAR strategies + architecture

The Room that was Always There

Liège, 比利时

Overall concept: As architects, we see how often Sustainability is reduced to a green dressing on top of the fina...

STAR strategies + architecture

Manzana 5

Zaragoza, Spain

The brief of the competition predetermined the volume and shape of the block. Upon initial review, we wondered why the three slabs of the...

STAR strategies + architecture

Big B

Amsterdam, 荷兰

The starting point for our design was to establish a strong connection to the water and to maintain the industrial character of the site....

STAR strategies + architecture

Secret Spaces

Zaragoza, Spain

Designing in section, not in plan. Spain has suffered in recent years from an incredible rise in the cost per square metre...


Ferienhaus Zaugg

Blatten, 瑞士, 2001

Eine lebhafte kleine Familie findet Ruhe und Entspannung im alten Dorfkern von Blatten ob Naters. Zwischen altem Gebälk und Gemä...


Umbau Gebäudegruppe Carrarini

Naters, 瑞士, 1999

Die Gebäude um den Hotzplatz waren in einem schlechten Zustand. Um das Dorfbild zu erhalten, wurden die Gebäude zwar renoviert ...


Einfamilienhaus Brogli

Brig, 瑞士, 2005

Ausgangspunkt war der Kubus. Die Würfelform wurde im Innern zu einer Raumskulptur ausgehöhlt, die mit dem vorhandenen Platz pr&...


Souldern Road - private residence

London, Great Britain, 2009

.PSLAB arbeitete zusammen mit den DOS Architekten, bei der Sanierung eines alten charmanten viktorianischen Privathauses in London. .PSLA...

Pichler & Traupmann Architekten

Haus Hofbauer

Wien, 奥地利, 2001

Ein großzügiges Haus auf kleiner Grundfläche. Zwei zweigeschossige Volumen miteinander verschränkt. Die Pr...

Pichler & Traupmann Architekten

Haus Hackenbuchner

Wien, 奥地利, 2001

Das Haus liegt auf einem nordwärts geneigten Hang mit Blick auf den Lainzer Tiergarten. Die vielfältigen Ebenen dieses in sanft...

Pichler & Traupmann Architekten

Haus Drexler

Pinkafeld, 奥地利, 1997

Gabriela und Wilfried pflegen die Offenheit: offen für Freunde und Gäste und ein offenes Leben unter freiem Himmel. „Outd...

Carlos Brillembourg Architects

Rensselaerville Pool House

Rensselaerville, NY, 美國, 1985

One large bright space open on three sides, with a roof that seems to hover above. A large fireplace with a free standing chimney dominat...

Carlos Brillembourg Architects

Sasha's Loft

New York City, 美國, 2003

This airy and open loft is modulated at one end by two very large black sliding panels that open to the kitchen. The kitchen counter doub...

Carlos Brillembourg Architects

Hacienda Carabobo

Turgua, Venezuela, 1984

This restoration of the ruins of an eighteenth century coffee plantation begins with the interior courtyard. The courtyard measures 70x35...

Carlos Brillembourg Architects

La Lula

Caraballeda, Venezuela, 1984

Six columns facing the sea support the upper terrace and brace the structure of the blue canvas awnings. Each bay contains a bedroom on t...

Carlos Brillembourg Architects

Fresh Pond

North Haven, L.I., 美國, 2002

Using the existing perimeter of an existing house, two overlapping squares fit perfectly into the existing boundary to create the Loening...

Carlos Brillembourg Architects


Caracas, Venezuela, 1980

A date palm tree, a pool and porticos. The basic shape of the house is a parallelepiped with a cube shaped living room surrounded by a ci...

Carlos Brillembourg Architects

Casa Roche

Caracas, Venezuela, 1996

Casa Roche is a u-shaped house on four levels structured around its garden which is enclosed by a wall. In the climate, the interior and ...

Carlos Brillembourg Architects

Padula House

Caracas, Venezuela, 1990

A house with an interior cylindrical shaft. This shaft introduces light and air and serves as the focus for the vertical movement of the ...

Carlos Brillembourg Architects

353 W. 56th Street Apt 8A

New York, 美國, 2011

A true client challenges the architect to go one step further and produce something unique. This process relies upon a shared language th...

Carlos Brillembourg Architects

350 W 57th St Apartment

New York, 美國, 2002

A one spacious bedroom apartment in an art deco building overlooking 57th Street. The design integrated the kitchen to the living room by...

Carlos Brillembourg Architects


Caraballeda, Venezuela, 1988

A residential building with 46 duplex apartments on the sea. On the North elevation a square opening with an intermediate cross frames ea...

Carlos Brillembourg Architects

Santa Clara

Caraballeda, Venezuela, 1983

A residential building with eight large, three-bedroom apartments. The space of the apartment is open front to back and ends with a semic...

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