

40 módulos de descanso para 4 apartamentos…

Barcelona, Spain, 2013

The commission was to tranform 4 dwellings of the same building into touristic apartments. The requirement to modify as less as possible ...

MBM Arquitectes

Olympic Village, Port and Litoral Park

Barcelona, Spain, 1992

Urban design of an area of 79 Ha for the Olympic Village (2.500 dwellings) of Barcelona 1992. Transformation of the seafront including 10...

MBM Arquitectes

Transformation of the area around the station

Parma, Italy, 2014

As in so many European cities, in Parma the railway is a major urban barrier, above all in the area near the station, which suffers from ...

MBM Arquitectes

Appartment building "The white Tower"

L'Hospitalet de Llobregat. (Barcelona), Spain, 2010

The White Tower is a residential building of 19 floors and two basements containing a variety of different homes: single or duplex apartm...

onl, arquitectura

16 Social housing

Granollers, Barcelona, Spain, 2007

The architectural strategy used has been to create a building whose exterior is defined by a language that seeks abstraction through colo...

onl, arquitectura

154 Rental social housing and public building

Barcelona, Spain, 2013

Five projects for a collection of public use buildings: 154 rental dwellings for young people and senior citizens; a nursery; a community...

onl, arquitectura

60 Dwellings appartment block

Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain, 2008

This project arose in answer to the requirements of the basic guidelines established in a specific modification to the local development ...

GXM Architekten

Le Ticle Zentrumsüberbauung mit Theater

Delémont, Switzerland, 2014-2020

Das Überbauungsprojekt „Le Ticle“ wird die seit Jahrzehnten vorhandene Lücke zwischen dem Bahnhofquartier und der Altstadt von Delémont s...

Platform for Architecture + Research

6030 Wilshire

Los Angeles, CA, USA

For the exhibition Shelter: Rethinking how we live in Los Angeles, PAR proposes a new model of high-rise courtyard housing, inte...

CRG Architects

Steel City Container Skyscraper

Dharavi, Mumbai, India, 2015

INTRODUCTION – Seeking to explore and investigate the possibility of a temporary adequate housing solution for dwellers of the dens...

Architectural Lighting Group (ALG)

Toshima Ward Office New Building (Toshima…

Tokyo, Japan, 2015

【プロジェクト】としまエコミューゼタウン from

Mamen Domingo | Ernest Ferré Arquitectes

CNC residential

Lleida, Spain

The competition expects 27290,31m2 of roofing above gradient in a municipal plot, the facade faces Segre river and the future "Palau...

Susumu Matsushita Architecture & Lighting Design Labo.

Proud City Ikebukuro Honcho

Tokyo, Japan, 2011

We planned the exterior and exterior lighting for Proud City Ikebukurohoncho, a large-scale mixed-use development in front of JR Itabashi...

Tp3 Architekten

Ehemaliges Bäckerhaus in Linz

Linz, Austria, 2015

In Zusammenarbeit mit DI. Kurt Hauenschild haben die [tp3] architekten das denkmalgeschützte Objekt “Hahnengasse 7 / Altstadt 5″ in der L...

Ribas & Ribas Architects

Life Patio Blanco

Ibiza, Spain, 2012

On a site close to the Life Boas building, the developers commissioned the architects to design another building that would complement it...


«Showloft» in einer ehemaligen Spinnerei für…

Windisch, Switzerland, 2015

Konzept, Entwurf und Ausführung Team: Mia Kepenek, Nicolas Frei Auftraggeber: HIAG Immobilien Schweiz AG


Musterloft «Spinnerei III»

Windisch, Switzerland, 2014

Real Estate Staging: Kepenek GmbH Auftraggeber: HIAG Immobilien Schweiz AG

Studio Farris Architects

Park Tower

Antwerp, Бельгия, 2014

The Park Tower was finished in November 2014 and is situated in a unique location within walking distance from the new MAS museum, the ha...

Zimmermann Sutter Architekten AG


Zürich, Projektwettbewerb auf Einladung, 1. Rang, Switzerland, 2009

Die maximale Ausnutzung des Grundstücks sowie die flexiblen Grundrisse bilden die Basis für das Nachhaltigkeitsverständnis dieses Entwurf...

Zimmermann Sutter Architekten AG


Zufikon AG, Projektwettbewerb nach Präqualifikation, 1. Rang, Switzerland, 2011

Die Gemeinde Zufikon möchte den Bebauungsdruck auf die ans Baugebiet angrenzenden Grünzonen entlasten. Sie plant deshalb, für die Bewohne...

Zimmermann Sutter Architekten AG

MCS gerechtes Wohnhaus

Zürich, Projektwettbewerb nach Präqualifikation, 1. Rang , Switzerland, 2013

MCS-Betroffene leiden unter "Multipler Chemikalien Sensitivität", das heisst, sie können bereits auf kleinste Mengen von Umweltgiften ode...

Neugebauer + Rösch Architekten


Stuttgart, Germany, 2015

Auf dem Gelände der ehemaligen Kinderklinik Olga-Krankenhaus, besser bekannt als Olgäle, wird ein neues Stadtquartier entstehen. Für eine...


Cloud No. 7

Stuttgart, Germany, 2016

When famous car designer Sergio Scaglietti was designing his legendary racing cars in the 1950s and 60s, he coined a phrase that also app...

Sven Otte

Überseestadt Bremen

Bremen, Germany, 2015

Sven Otte

Wohnbebauung Stadtwerder

Bremen, Germany, 2014



Montpellier, France, 2013

This project is aimed at the block located in sector 1 of the Port Marianne - Parc Marianne ZAC in Montpellier. The urban planning approa...



Ivry-sur-Seine, France, 2014

The project seeks to re-define the use of various industrial plots (including “La Minoterie” and the old SNFA factory) in the Ivry Conflu...



Barcelona, Spain, 2009

The project is located on the edge of the historic Sants quarter, a district formed by a criss-cross of narrow streets and buildings of a...

Rojkind Arquitectos


Monterrey, Mexico, 2009

HIGHPARK / A building for the City Highpark is located on the outskirts of the northern city of Monterrey, Mexico. Surrounded by the Maj...

Brullet de Luna

Gaudí Housing

Mataró, Spain, 2000

Brullet de Luna

Bioclimatic Social Housing Units

Barcelona, Spain, 1999


Wohnen an der Kirche St. Theresia

Münster, Germany, 2015

Das Projekt ging aus einem gewonnenen Architekten-Wettbewerb hervor. Aufgabe war es südwestlich der Kirche St. Theresia eine qualitätsvol...

Ruisánchez Arquitectes

Social housing complex of 189 apartments in…

Barcelona, Spain, 2005

This social housing project is the first phase of a total rehabilitation operation of a run down quarter in North-East Barcelona. It is f...

Ruisánchez Arquitectes

Affordable Housing for young people in…

Barcelona, Spain, 2005

The building was conceived as part of a greater scale initiative for the restructuring of the urban surroundings of the ‘Travessera...

Ruisánchez Arquitectes

'Can Gassol' residential building

Mataró, Spain, 2011

(Project in association with A.C.C. Arquitectes Associats) After the deterioration of the old Gassol Manufacturing Industries to a...

Lacomba Setoain Arquitectos Asociados

127 Social dwellings building, premises and…

Barcelona, Spain, 2011

Work in collaboration with Eduard Bru, architect. It was a glacis of the third city-wall of Barcelona. After a hospital, a...

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