Grow your School is a project that was made in order to improve the conditions of an existing school in the Grow your School is a project that was made in order to improve the conditions of an existing school in the Unión Mexicana community in Unión Juárez, Chiapas.
After evaluating the conditions of the school, several meetings were held with members of the community where we eynlained to them the advantages of using bamboo for construction and one step at a time we managed to get them to trust that this was the best material to build the school.
Chiapas, Mexico
The entire roof was replaced by a bamboo roof, in this
way we generate a much larger and more ventilated spaces, new windows, furniture and mosquito nets were placed and repairs were made to the facilties. In
addition, another bamboo root was but in the outdoor area, so that it could be used as a dining room and for ditterent outdoor activities.
This project seeks to boost the potential of the children from community and generates a sense of unity among the habitants of the area who actively participated in the entire process, from planning to construction, as well as educating towards the use of bamboo as a practical, resistant and sustainable