Estimated decline in properties sold in the 30 biggest Chinese cities during the week...
Number of historical architectural icons in and around Cairo, Egypt, explored in a...
Total cost, as of January, for the United States to build more than 450 miles of border wall at the U.S.-Mexico border by the end...
Number of temporary hospitals China is building in less than two weeks in the town of Wuhan to treat thousands of patients infected with the coronavirus: 2
Estimated number of co-working spaces that have opened worldwide since the boom started 15 years ago: 35,000
Price of ten kirigami paper templates for cutting and folding architectural icons designed by French-Swiss architect Le Corbusier: $29.99...
Time it takes to walk between any two places inside the Pentagon, the world’s largest office building, outside Washington, DC, to enable rapid...
Estimated amount activists need to restore the architectural value of Tarilka, or "Flying Saucer," a concert hall built in 1971 and
Estimated share buildings contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions: 40%
Share of households in Afghanistan that consist of one person only: 0.19% (For the sake of comparison, the same statistic in the USA is 27.45%, in Switzerland is 37.51%, and in Germany is 39.53%.)
Average decline in price when a residential property in Hong Kong is thought to be "haunted" by a former inhabitant who died from an accident, murder or suicide: 20%
Distance that Vancouver House, a concave condo tower of 60 floors designed by BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group in Vancouver, British Columbia,
Share of the 200 cities with 100,000 or more people — such as Dhaka, Hong Kong, Kinshasa, and Minneapolis-St. Paul — tracked by the Urban Expansion Program at New York University...
Global number of people living in inadequate housing, most living in slums and informal settlements in cities: 1.6 billion
Number of villas the Saudi Arabian government will build for $633 million (€572 million) on a 2.4-square-mile (6.3 km2) area in the Taif region east of Mecca in the south of...
Estimated number of the 2.4 million eviction cases filed in the United States in 2016 (the latest data available via The Eviction Lab) that were completed: 900,000
Share of land on Colombia's Pacific coast – 14.8 million acres, larger than Croatia – that has been communally owned since 1993 to benefit the region’s mainly Afro-Colombian residents: 60%
Number of buildings in New York City that sit in flood zones and have a combined worth of $129 billion: 72,000
Number of buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright added to the UNESCO World Heritage sites registry: 8
Size of the triclinium (dining room) decorated with mosaics in Villa de Nohada, built for an as-yet-unknown owner in the fourth century in Roman Hispania in a hamlet of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain: 291 m2 (3,132 sf)
Number of floors in a building at Rockefeller Center in New York City that will be converted into "high-end apartment-style suites" by Airbnb:...
Share of hires made by McKissack & McKissack, the oldest African-American-owned, female-run construction management firm in the United...
Amount of money the indigenous Yanacona community sold virtually all its land to the state of Peru for, in order to build a new international airport that may...
Number of the 1,648 brutalist masterpieces (or "concrete monsters") listed on #SOSBrutalism that are facing demolition: 171
Amount a construction worker in the devastated Iraqi city of Mosul is paid per day: $12.50 (€11.20)
Price of a niche for an urn in a private columbarium "in the best position" in Hong Kong: €204,000 ($229,000)
Estimated profit the U.S. developer Vornado will make on the sellout of the $3.4 billion limestone palace 220 Central Park South in Manhattan, designed by Robert A.M. Stern: $1 billion
Amount a Chinese blogger was fined for saying a Beijing office complex designed by Zaha Hadid Architects had bad feng shui: 200,000 yuan (€26,000)
Number of years the fabled Bauhaus school — founded 100 years ago this month by Walter Gropius — existed, having moved from the German city of Weimar to Dessau and finally to...
Estimated time it will take to sell the roughly 8,600 luxury units available in Manhattan at the current selling rate: 6 years
Estimated housing deficit in Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial capital and home to 21 million people: 3 million
Number of new buildings of around 10 stories being built near the Acropolis in Athens that have sparked protests (and a petition with more than 22,000 signees) over the
Number of days Walter Chrysler, the founder of Chrysler company who gave the name to the Chrysler Building in New York City put on sale recently,
Monthly rent for an unfurnished, temporary 420-square-foot (39-square-meter) tiny home in the Dutch city of Rotterdam: €417 ($473)