
Labo Design Studio

Grand Street Loft

New York, USA, 2012

This loft renovation transformed a fussy, cramped interior into an airy, light filled living space. The new plan layout creates a serene ...

Labo Design Studio

Bowery Street Loft

New York, USA, 2012

Labo Design Studio

Lower East Side Townhouse

New York, USA, 2012

This is the conversion of an old Jewish school into a single family townhouse with an art gallery on the ground floor. Wherever the old s...

Aaron Neubert Architects

Canyon House

Los Angeles, USA, 2016

The site for this 4000 sf residence consists of a steep descending hillside property within the Hollywood Hills. Constructed adjacent to ...

aat + makoto yokomizo architects


Aichi, Japan, 2006

This is the studio and residence of a designer/illustrator couple. The various spaces for creation and living are enveloped by thin curve...

aat + makoto yokomizo architects


Tokyo, Japan, 2006

The outer-shell structural building. The usable area in the building can be acquired even on a narrow site to its maximum. The structure ...

aat + makoto yokomizo architects


Tokyo, Japan, 2009

It can enjoy the thin slope, the stairs, and the alley in the Daikanyama-cho. The space there that encounters a new small discovery. We t...

aat + makoto yokomizo architects


Kanagawa, Japan, 2009

The white undulate wall including the stairs, the rest room, the bathroom, and storage, etc. gradually divides the space. It becomes a sc...

aat + makoto yokomizo architects


Kanagawa, Japan, 2012

This site is land which had turned into a vacant lot after the sale in lots while not being built. The trees which bear flowers and fruit...

aat + makoto yokomizo architects


Tokyo, Japan, 2014

The small house in the depths of the alley of Yanaka, Taitou-ku. From the site facing the temple, the tree of a good persimmon of the sha...

Hünerwadel Albers Architekten

Aufstockung EFH Kilchberg

Switzerland, 2015

Hünerwadel Albers Architekten

EFH Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein, 2016

Ian Moore Architects

McLeod House

Sydney, Australia, 2015

This 4 bedroom house is located on a ridge above Sydney’s Middle Harbour, with significant district views as well as a distant view to Ch...

Caramel Architekten

D House

near Vienna, Austria, 2016

In the neighbour’s garden Densification can also be possible in built up settlement areas of one family houses. The property of House D ...

atelier-f architekten

Wohn- und Atelierhaus Seewis

Seewis, Switzerland, 2016

Die Gemeinde Seewis im Prättigau liegt auf einer besonnten Südterrasse am Fusse des Berges Vilan. Dem Entwurf li...

atelier-f architekten

Alphaus Prod Flumserberg

Flums, Switzerland, 2015

Beim Ersatzneubau für das Alphaus Prod in Flums handelt es sich um ein mustergültiges Vorgehen, wie im empfindlichen Alpgebiet ...



Zürich, Switzerland, 2014

In spite of a small appartement having the luxury feeling as well as in a 5Star-Hotel


Villa Goldküste

Zürich, Switzerland, 2015

The owner commissions the company Decoris Interior Design in Zurich with the entire reconstruction, planning, design, realisation, constr...

Berger+Parkkinen Architekten

Residence of the Norwegian Ambassador

Vienna, Austria, 2007

The radically new design for the extension to the historic residence starts from the analysis and precise understanding of the initial ar...

lilitt bollinger studio gmbh

Umbau Wohnhaus in Obstalden

Obstalden, Switzerland, 2016

Das Gebäude war ursprünglich ein Stall und hatte deshalb wenig materielle Substanz. Es wurde in den 80er Jahren relativ unsanft...

Georg Döring

Single-family house in Mülheim

Mühlhheim an der Ruhr, Germany, 2016

A compact edifice with bulky projections and offsets make for covered entrances and exits, terraces and a pergola looking towards the gar...

Anahita Spitznagel - Doongaji

Aussen- / Innenrenovation und Umbau von einem…

Gemeinde am Zürichsee, Switzerland, 2012

Aussenrenovation, 2012 Sanfte Fassadensanierung inklusive Fensterersatz Innenrenovation und Umbau, 1997

atelier tom vanhee

House Bruges

Bruges, Belgium, 2016

Two disused 17th-century houses on a protected brewery site in the centre of Bruges were rebuilt into a family home (with retail ...

atelier tom vanhee

House Bruges

Bruges , Belgium, 2010

The protected building houses a pharmacy and home since the 17th century. The need for more space in the pharmacy demanded an ext...

atelier tom vanhee

House Gentbrugge

Ghent , Belgium, 2012

The rear structure of the terraced house was in poor condition. We replaced the structure with a new beam-shaped residential volume. A we...

atelier tom vanhee

House Aartrijke

Aartrijke, Belgium, 2016

The former farmhouse is situated in an agricultural area. The typology of the existing building was used in a contemporary way to...

atelier tom vanhee

House Varsenare

Varsenare , Belgium, 2002

The building should both be the face of a graphic and photography studio, while discreetly integrating with the structures behind...

atelier tom vanhee

House Vilvoorde

Vilvoorde, Belgium, 2020

A fire had heavily damaged this terraced house. The client opted for a thorough renovation, according to passive standards and by us...

atelier tom vanhee

Social housing Eeklo

Eeklo, Belgium, 2016

The project is part of the social neighbourhood Boelare - Blommekens. The extension consists of a three storey building with multi-family...

Keisuke Kawaguchi + K2-DESIGN

House in Kamigaya

Shizuoka, Japan, 2016

浜松市西区神久呂地区。三方原台地の南端、神ケ谷に建つ住宅である。 製茶業を営むご家族の若夫婦世帯が暮らす家として建築された。敷地にはご両親が大切にされてきた松や柿の大木が堂々と枝葉を広げている。暮らしと共に時を経た樹木は独特の安...

Berrel Kräutler Architekten

Einfamilienhaus in Rodersdorf

Rodersdorf, Switzerland, 2016

Das vorfabrizierte Holzhaus steht auf einer Hangparzelle mit Blick über die Hügel des Elsass. Die Kubatur des Einfamilienhauses ist das A...

Schwille Architekten

Haus S

Schwäbischen Alb, Germany, 2016

Ein Einfamilienhaus als klassisches Satteldachgebäude hört sich zuerst einmal nicht besonders spannend an. Vor allem dann nicht, wenn man...

moos. giuliani. herrmann. architekten.

Einfamilienhaus Islikon

Islikon, Switzerland, 2010

Über dem Dorf von Islikon schmiegt sich das Gebäude dem Terrain entlang. Eingepflanzt in die Natur – kein Weg führt zum Haus. Der Zugang ...

moos. giuliani. herrmann. architekten.

Townhouse I, Horgen

Horgen, Switzerland, 2011

Townhouse One ist ein Einfamilienhaus mit Sichtbeton-Fassade und einer beeindruckenden Aussicht über den Zürichsee. Die halbgeschossig ve...

moos. giuliani. herrmann. architekten.

Einfamilienhaus Dättlikon

Dättlikon, Switzerland, 2011

Wie ein Fels thront der monolithische Baukörper am Hang und weist seiner Terrasse den Platz vor dem bestehenden Nussbaum zu. Von der Stra...

moos. giuliani. herrmann. architekten.

Einfamilienhaus Gachnang

Gachnang, Switzerland, 2014

Am westlichen Rand von Gachnang an einen ehemaligen Rebhang gebettet liegt das Einfamilienhaus und entwickelt sich um seinen eigenen Inne...

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