


Chicago, USA, 2014

The 14th floor of the 112 and 116 South Michigan Ave buildings will become the new home for the SAIC Career Services group, which is part...


Nantes Saint-Nazaire school of fine art

Saint-Nazaire, France, 2021

The new School of Fine Arts occupies the site of the former Saint-Nazaire rail station. The original building consisted of an ensemble of...

ALA Architects

Dipoli renovation

Espoo, Finland, 2017

Dipoli, the iconic, experimental student union building of Helsinki University of Technology designed by Raili and Reima Pietilä and comp...

Martin Schmitt Architektur

Karo 5

Darmstadt, Germany, 2009

When the new entrance building for TU Darmstadt – a two-storey glass cube with wide cantilevered roof – was almost finished, it was deter...


CIC – Coppenrath Innovation Centre

Osnabrück, Germany, 2024

Das Coppenrath Innovation Centre befindet sich auf dem ehem. Güterbahnhofgelände in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Fluss Hase und dem Hauptbahnho...

Knoche Architekten

Laborgebäude Versorgungs und Umwelttechnik der…

Esslingen, Germany, 2017

FUNKTION UND NUTZUNG - Der Neubau für die Hochschule Esslingen am Standort Stadtmitte dient der Fakultät Gebäude Energie Umwelt als Werks...

dichter Architektur

Kunstarchiv und Seminargebäude in Marburg

Marburg, Germany, 2021

Der Entwurf beschreibt einen introvertierten städtischen Körper. Durch helles bündig verfugtes Mauerwerk mit vertikalen außenbündigen Ver...

TCA Think Tank Pte. Ltd.

Innovation Center

Xi'an, China, 2017

Innovation Center

STGK Inc. | studio gen kumagai

Tokoha University Kusanagi Campus

Shizuoka, Japan, 2018

Four terraces that interact with campus activities and create communication For the Tokoha University landscaping project, we planned fo...


Sanierung Gebäude ETH-Rat

Zürich, Switzerland, 2020

Sanierung denkmalgeschütztes Gebäude ETH-Rat

hammeskrause architekten

WindLab der Universität Oldenburg

Oldenburg, Germany, 2016

Der Neubau für die Windenergieforschung an der Universität Oldenburg bietet auf rund 2.300 m² Platz für 130 Wissenschaftler aus den Berei...

ikon.5 architects

Health and Wellness Center – Suffolk County…

Riverhead, USA, 2019

The Health and Wellness Center is a 45,000-square-foot academic and recreation facility that contains teaching spaces for the Department ...

Berger+Parkkinen Architekten

Institute of Pharmacy

Salzburg, Austria, 2019

Keystone in the municipal utility area. The Paracelsus Medical Private University (PMU) in Salzburg was founded in 2004. In 2017, the...

Graham Baba Architects

Center Table at UW North Campus

Seattle, USA, 2018

As part of an ambitious plan to reinvigorate the University of Washington’s North Campus and rebuild their student life infrastructure, C...

DGI Bauwerk Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH

HafenCity Universität

Hamburg, Germany, 2014

Das fünfgeschossige Gebäude an der Übersee­allee in der Hafencity bietet neben Hörsälen, Werkstätten, Laboren und Büros eine Mensa und ei...

Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH


Muttenz, Switzerland, 2018

October 2018 saw the opening of Northwest Switzerland's new University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Muttenz near Basel. It was designe...

Katsuhiko Endo Architect and Associates

IIS Anniversary Hall, The University of Tokyo

Tokyo, Japan, 2012

The existing Building 60 was completed in 1962 as Japan’s first supersonic wind tunnel. It was used as a supersonic airflow wind-tunnel l...

Nething Generalplaner GmbH


Ulm, Germany, 2013

Als wir das Gebäude für die private Hochschule für Kommunikation und experimentelle Gestaltung in Ulm entworfen haben, standen zwei wesen...

werk1 architekten und planer

Neubau | Versuchsgewächshaus | 2019

Basel, Switzerland, 2019

Das alte Versuchsgewächshaus des Botanischen Instituts der Universität Basel konnte den heutigen Anforderungen bezüglich der Kontrolle vo...

HerbstKunkler Architekten


Neubrandenburg, Germany, 2025

Planung und Realisierung nach VgV mit Wettbewerb 1.Preis. Erweiterungsneubau und Umbau der bestehenden Typenbauten für die Bibliothek de...

OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture

Brighton College Sports and Sciences Building

Brighton, Great Britain, 2020

The School of Science and Sports at Brighton College defies the conventional character of educational buildings – one of endless empty ha...

Dietrich | Untertrifaller Architekten

TUM Campus in the Olympic Park

Munich, Germany, 2023

Located in the park of the Bavarian capital and created for the 1972 Olympic games, the campus houses the Department of Sport and Health ...


Medizinische Universität Breslau, Polen,…

Breslau, Poland, 2018

Zusammenspiel von alt und neu Der Medizinische Campus der Universität Breslau ist ein Traditionsstandort, der Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts ...

POLO Architects

LUCA School of Arts

Brussels, Belgium, 2013

The Brussels campus of the Sint-Lukas School of Arts was the result of decades of phased expansion within a block in the densely woven ur...

Telluride Architektur

Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry -…

Jena, Germany, 2023

A new building for the Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry (CEEC Jena II) and an associated application center (AWZ CEEC Jena) ...

Telluride Architektur

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf Campus…

Hamburg, Germany, 2023

A new building for the Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry (CEEC Jena II) and an associated application center (AWZ CEEC Jena) ...

POLO Architects

Diagonal-Besós Student Residence

Barcelona, Spain, 2019

The new Diagonal-Besòs Campus in Barcelona aims to become an innovation centre where internationally acclaimed education, research, and t...

Achim Birnbaum

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, 2019

Sanierung Kollegiengebäude I. Außentreppe und Lüftungsbauwerk

Rush\Wright Associates

Deakin University, Central Spine Precinct

Melbourne, Australia, 2014

Rush\Wright Associates acted as Principal Consultants throughout the project over four years including a Masterplanning and Feasibility S...

Lemanarc SA

Xiamen Nanyang College

Xiamen, China, 2010

This case is both the result of our value design and our attempt to gardenize the campus and educational space. On a limited plot of land...

sop architekten

CT² Center for Teaching and Training

Aachen, Germany, 2018

Auf einer Fläche von rund 800.000 m² entstehen in den kommenden Jahren auf dem RWTH Aachen Campus etappenweise 16 Forschungscluster mit B...

sop architekten

Textilakademie NRW

Mönchengladbach, Germany, 2018

Die Textilakademie NRW in Mönchengladbach ist eine neue Bildungsstätte für die Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie im deutschsprachigen Raum...


Pridham Hall

Adelaide, Australia, 2019

Together with local partner, JPE Design Studio and Jam Factory, Snøhetta has completed its first project in Australia: the new Pridham Ha...


Battelle Management School (HEG)

Carouge, Switzerland, 2015

The building of the Management School of Geneva consists in a longitudinal volume of large dimensions which accommodates a demanding buil...

Rush\Wright Associates

Monash University Western Precinct Landscape

Clayton, Australia, 2018

Monash University Science Technology Research and Innovation Precinct (STRIP) at Clayton campus realises a 20 year masterplan vision. The...

doranth post architekten GmbH

Interdisciplinary Center for Nanostructured…

Erlangen, Germany, 2018

The 5 floor new build is a complex research facility with a variety of different uses. Twelve renowned working groups from several differ...

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