Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura
Cartier Head Office
Paris, France, 2003
A complex of buildings in the heart of the 'golden triangle' (the 75008 arrondissement of paris), close to the church of la Madel...
Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura
Shiseido Building
Tokyo, Japan, 2001
In Ghinza, Tokyo's most prestigious district, an emblematic building has been constructed for the Shiseido cosmetics firm founded in ...
Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura
Corso II
Prague, Czech Republic, 2008
The convenient situation of the building close to the Prague historical center guarantees its future tenants easy access to public servic...
WAI Architecture Think Tank
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Metropolis As the name suggests, Metrodam takes urban strategies that resulted from the metropolitan condition of New York and app...
DIA – Dittel Architekten
ISDB office building
Friedrichshafen, Germany, 2012
DIA – Dittel Architekten executed a new building for ISDB Logistik GmbH in Friedrichshafen. The challenge in this project was to incorpor...
DIA – Dittel Architekten
Carroll, Burdick & McDonough LLP Law Office
Stuttgart, Germany, 2012
The 147 sqm office forms an addition to the international law firm Carroll, Burdick & McDonough LLP with locations in San Francisco, Los ...
Dannheimer & Joos Architekten
Building of the Federal Culture Foundation
Halle/Saale, Germany, 2012
Newly constructed Federal Culture Foundation on the area of the Franckeschen Stiftung The Federal Culture Foundation's new headquarte...
Gasteiger Architekten Partnerschaft
Diverse Denkmalschutzprojekte
München-Lehel, Germany, 2012
In den besten Innenstadtlagen Münchens planen und realisieren wir für Privatinvestoren, wie auch renommierte Bauträger die Generalsanieru...
werner neuwirth mag. architekt
Atelierhaus C.21
Vienna, Austria, 2021
Name of work in EnglishAtelierhaus C.21Name of work in original languageAtelierha...
WKO Steiermark
Graz, Austria, 2013
Entwurf Neugestaltug Europasaal, Foyer, Speisesaal und Zugangsbereiche Auszug aus der Projektbeschreibung – bauk&uum...
Wien, Austria, 2009
Sanierung und Neuentdeckung charmanter Atelierräumlichkeiten. Bescheidene, einengende und verschalte Räume gaben...
Ternitz, Niederösterreich, Austria, 2009
Die Essenz des Bürobaus für einen internationalen Prozesstechnologie-Konzern Das neue Headquarter des NATEX-Konz...
Transsolar KlimaEngineering
Manitoba Hydro Downtown Office
Winnipeg, Canada, 2009
In downtown Winnipeg, this innovative office environment combines a parkade, a 3-story podium, containing offices, restaurants and retail...
Transsolar KlimaEngineering
ADAC Headquarter
Munich, Germany, 2011
The high-rise facade consists of composite fixed window glazing elements made of insulated glass and an external single glazing, which en...
Transsolar KlimaEngineering
Posttower Deutsche Post AG
Bonn, Germany, 2002
The representative administration building has is located on a site close-by the river bank of the Rhine River and is composed of a 40-st...
Second Home Offices in Holland Park
London, Great Britain, 2019
Name of work in EnglishSecond Home Offices in Holland ParkName of work in original language
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH Technology Centre
Berlin, Germany, 2011
The new technology centre, situated directly on the river Spree in Berlin-Spandau, combines research, office and laboratory facilities. W...
Headquarters of the Mercedes-Benz German Sales…
Berlin, Germany, 2013
As an urban design feature and as the first new development after the O2 Arena in the O2 City, this high-rise building with thirteen flo...
Carl Zeiss Meditec AG at berlinbiotechpark
Berlin, Germany, 2012
The berlinbiotechpark located in Berlin-Charlottenburg is currently developing into a prime location for companies and institutions in th...
HS.02 huthwelker.stoehr + partner
SGL Carbon - Rheingaupalais + Villa
Wiesbaden, Germany, 2012
SGL Carbon moves into the Rheingau Palais, Schierstein. The graphite specialist SGL Carbon relocated its head office to the Rheingau Pala...
Leutwyler Partner Architekten
Überbauung Postplatz
Zug, Switzerland, 2018
Inmitten des historischen Zentrums der Stadt Zug wird einen Neubau gesetzt, der in seinen Proportionen und seiner optischen Gestaltung un...
Caramel Architekten
Science Park - Johannes Kepler University…
Linz, Austria, 2012
Science Park Linz Component 3 Exactly seven years after the Europe-wide architectural competition, the completion of the third building ...
FLASHAAR Ingenieure
IBC Investment Banking and Office Center, FFM
Frankfurt a. M., Germany, 2003
Project services Lighting design und planning Client Deutsche Bank, Händlerzentrum Architect Köhler Architekten, Frankfurt
Wien, Austria, 2003
ENTWURFSGEDANKEN Das Gewerbe und Bürozentrum IP-TWO am Lerchenfeldergürtel im 16. Bezirk Wiens bietet eine Nutzfläc...
Lustenau, Austria, 2005
ICUB “Icub“ ist die Kurzform von incubator - im medizinischen Fachjargon ein Brutkasten für Frühgeborene. Und genau das passi...
veronika vogelauer | architekten
Büro- und Schulungsräume Parlamentsdirektion
Wien, Austria, 2011
In direkter Umgebung des Parlamentsgebäudes befinden sich historische Gebäude der Wiener Gründerzeit. Büroflächen im Nahbereich des Haupt...
veronika vogelauer | architekten
Bankniederlassung UBS
Wien, Austria, 2003
Die Union Bank Schweiz legt als eines der international führenden Unternehmen im Anlagenbereich größten Wert auf beste Betreuung ihrer Ku...
Stockholm, Sweden, 2015
Mästerhuset at Mäster Samuelsgatan in central Stockholm contains offices with a capacity of 3,000 work places and a com...
Hellerup, Denmark, 2009
The concept for the refurbishment and departmental fit out of two floors takes the building’s transparency as the basis for creatin...
Gran Rubina
Jakarta, Indonesia, 2015
The Gran Rubina project includes the design of a master plan for a total of 150.000m2 in central Jakarta for the developer, PT. Triyasa P...
Platform for Architecture + Research
Keelung Harbor
Keelung, China, 2012
Keelung is a gateway that through its history, climate, and the customs of its inhabitants, is predestined to make use of its exterior sp...
BAID Architektur
Kanzleiausbau Ballindamm
Hamburg, Germany, 2011
In dieser an der Binnenalster im Herzen Hamburgs ansässigen Kanzlei ist die Bürofläche um eine zusätzliche Konferenzebene erweitert worde...
Wirth + Wirth Architects
Novartis PHAD Sterile Pilot Plant
Stein, Switzerland, 2006
The PHAD building houses a sterile pilot plant and serves as a center for testing laboratories with additional public areas and administr...