
René Ammann | 16.03.2020


Share of the cost of a new home in the United States being eaten up by regulatory burdens, impact fees, taxes, and the costs of delays: 24%

René Ammann | 09.03.2020


Number of slave dwellings across the United States that preservation architect Jobie Hill has registered so far in the

René Ammann | 24.02.2020


Estimated decline in properties sold in the 30 biggest Chinese cities during the week...

René Ammann | 17.02.2020


Number of historical architectural icons in and around Cairo, Egypt, explored in a...

René Ammann | 10.02.2020


Total cost, as of January, for the United States to build more than 450 miles of border wall at the U.S.-Mexico border by the end...

René Ammann | 29.01.2020


Number of temporary hospitals China is building in less than two weeks in the town of Wuhan to treat thousands of patients infected with the coronavirus: 2

René Ammann | 27.01.2020


Estimated number of co-working spaces that have opened worldwide since the boom started 15 years ago: 35,000

René Ammann | 12.01.2020


Price of ten kirigami paper templates for cutting and folding architectural icons designed by French-Swiss architect Le Corbusier: $29.99...

René Ammann | 06.01.2020


Estimated lifespan of a house built entirely of cork: 60 years

René Ammann | 09.12.2019


Time it takes to walk between any two places inside the Pentagon, the world’s largest office building, outside Washington, DC, to enable rapid...

René Ammann | 01.12.2019


Estimated amount activists need to restore the architectural value of Tarilka, or "Flying Saucer," a concert hall built in 1971 and

René Ammann | 17.11.2019


Estimated share buildings contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions: 40%

René Ammann | 11.11.2019


Share of households in Afghanistan that consist of one person only: 0.19% (For the sake of comparison, the same statistic in the USA is 27.45%, in Switzerland is 37.51%, and in Germany is 39.53%.)

René Ammann | 01.11.2019


Average decline in price when a residential property in Hong Kong is thought to be "haunted" by a former inhabitant who died from an accident, murder or suicide: 20%

René Ammann | 21.10.2019


Distance that Vancouver House, a concave condo tower of 60 floors designed by BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group in Vancouver, British Columbia,

René Ammann | 07.10.2019


Share of the 200 cities with 100,000 or more people — such as Dhaka, Hong Kong, Kinshasa, and Minneapolis-St. Paul — tracked by the Urban Expansion Program at New York University...

René Ammann | 23.09.2019


Global number of people living in inadequate housing, most living in slums and informal settlements in cities: 1.6 billion

René Ammann | 16.09.2019


Number of villas the Saudi Arabian government will build for $633 million (€572 million) on a 2.4-square-mile (6.3 km2) area in the Taif region east of Mecca in the south of...

René Ammann | 08.09.2019


Estimated number of the 2.4 million eviction cases filed in the United States in 2016 (the latest data available via The Eviction Lab) that were completed: 900,000

René Ammann | 02.09.2019


Share of land on Colombia's Pacific coast – 14.8 million acres, larger than Croatia – that has been communally owned since 1993 to benefit the region’s mainly Afro-Colombian residents: 60%

René Ammann | 25.08.2019


Share of government revenues in Hong Kong coming from land sales: 27%

René Ammann | 19.08.2019


Number of buildings in New York City that sit in flood zones and have a combined worth of $129 billion: 72,000

René Ammann | 15.07.2019


Number of buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright added to the UNESCO World Heritage sites registry: 8

René Ammann | 08.07.2019


Size of the triclinium (dining room) decorated with mosaics in Villa de Nohada, built for an as-yet-unknown owner in the fourth century in Roman Hispania in a hamlet of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain: 291 m2 (3,132 sf)

René Ammann | 24.06.2019


Number of floors in a building at Rockefeller Center in New York City that will be converted into "high-end apartment-style suites" by Airbnb:...

René Ammann | 10.06.2019


Share of hires made by McKissack & McKissack, the oldest African-American-owned, female-run construction management firm in the United...

René Ammann | 03.06.2019


Amount of money the indigenous Yanacona community sold virtually all its land to the state of Peru for, in order to build a new international airport that may...

René Ammann | 24.05.2019


Number of the 1,648 brutalist masterpieces (or "concrete monsters") listed on #SOSBrutalism that are facing demolition: 171 

René Ammann | 20.05.2019


Amount a construction worker in the devastated Iraqi city of Mosul is paid per day: $12.50 (€11.20)

René Ammann | 13.05.2019


Price of a niche for an urn in a private columbarium "in the best position" in Hong Kong: €204,000 ($229,000) 

René Ammann | 06.05.2019


Estimated profit the U.S. developer Vornado will make on the sellout of the $3.4 billion limestone palace 220 Central Park South in Manhattan, designed by Robert A.M. Stern: $1 billion

René Ammann | 29.04.2019


Amount a Chinese blogger was fined for saying a Beijing office complex designed by Zaha Hadid Architects had bad feng shui: 200,000 yuan (€26,000)

René Ammann | 19.04.2019


Number of years the fabled Bauhaus school — founded 100 years ago this month by Walter Gropius — existed, having moved from the German city of Weimar to Dessau and finally to...

René Ammann | 15.03.2019


Estimated time it will take to sell the roughly 8,600 luxury units available in Manhattan at the current selling rate: 6 years

René Ammann | 04.03.2019


Estimated housing deficit in Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial capital and home to 21 million people: 3 million

René Ammann | 25.02.2019


Number of new buildings of around 10 stories being built near the Acropolis in Athens that have sparked protests (and a petition with more than 22,000 signees) over the